There are other things that do work about this movie for me - I like Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. I like the discussion about the nature of romantic comedies, and it's nice that they put Cary Grant in the movie. I did like the climax at the Empire State building. I didn't like the kid at all.
I actually thought Walter was not that bad a romantic option - It's not his fault he has allergies and a mild manner. I'm told this is a generational thing. The whole movie is actually sort of oddly dated. The discussions about the differences between men and women was pretty unrelatable to me - what they expected of men isn't at all what I would expect today.
So much of this movie is about "magic" and "sparks" and it's just doesn't have a theme that I enjoy or find interesting to explore. It seems very...silly. Also, Meg Ryan is totally a stalker in this movie. That's not love. That's obsession.
Sleepless and Seattle is the only movie in this genre that I was sort of worried about, and it turned out to be not that spectacular after all. Terrible? No, but "it's not terrible" isn't really a compliment.